50G SFP56 DAC cables are made of twinax copper cables, operating at data rates of up to 53.125Gbps (26.5625GBd PAM4). It provides a cost-effective, low power alternative to 50G optical SFP56 connections. It is assembled from two 50G SFP56 modules heads with fixed cable lengths. 50G SFP56 DAC is a good option for short-distance interconnections within racks and across the adjacent racks, with the advantage of high reliability and low power consumption, and is widely used in data centers and 50 gigabit Ethernet applications. 50G SFP56 DAC is compliant to SFF-8431 specification.

50G SFP28 AOC is a compliant with SFP56 MSA, low power consumption and lightweight solution for 50G high speed interconnect applications over multi-mode fibers. It supports 50G Ethernet, InfiniBand HDR and eCPRI protocols, and is widely used in data center, HPC (High-Performance Computing) and 5G fronthaul applications. The 50G SFP56 AOC cables provide an ideal alternative option to SFP56 direct attach copper cables (DAC) and SFP56 optical transceiver connections of short reach.

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